分享 tmux + nvim 的 pane/window 快速切换

zhengpd · August 05, 2021 · Last by linlinda replied at November 03, 2023 · 734 hits

tmux + nvim 的 pane/window 快速切换


13 寸的屏幕有点小,所以 tmux 一般是多用 window 少用 pane,至少一个放 neovim 一个跑 zsh,来回切 window 多了觉得 <prefix> l 或者 <prefix> h这样的组合键还是有点繁琐。之前一直是用 vim-tmux-navigator 做 tmux pane 之间的切换,于是就想着能不能把 <C-l> 也绑到 tmux window 切换上去。由于 vim-tmux-navigator 不支持 tmux window,只能自己搞了个配置,分享给有类似需求的朋友看下。

逻辑比较简单,以 <C-l> 为例:

  • 当前为 nvim 左边 window
  • <C-l> 切到 nvim 右边 window
  • <C-l> 一下切到右边的 tmux pane
  • <C-l> 一下切到下一个 tmux window


vim conf:

" ~/.vimrc
function! TmuxWinJump(direction)
  let direction_edges = {
        \ 'h': 'pane_at_left',
        \ 'j': 'pane_at_bottom',
        \ 'k': 'pane_at_top',
        \ 'l': 'pane_at_right'

  let edge_cmd = 'tmux display-message -p "#{'.direction_edges[a:direction].'}"'
  if trim(system(edge_cmd)) == 1
    let tmux_direction = { 'h': '-', 'j': '+', 'k': '-', 'l': '+' }
    call system('tmux select-window -t :'.tmux_direction[a:direction])
    let pane_direction = tr(a:direction, 'hjkl', 'LDUR')
    call system('tmux select-pane -'.pane_direction)

function! VimWinJump(direction)
  let nr = winnr()
  exec 'wincmd '.a:direction

  if winnr() == nr | call TmuxWinJump(a:direction) | endif

nnoremap <silent> <C-h> :call VimWinJump('h')<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <C-j> :call VimWinJump('j')<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <C-k> :call VimWinJump('k')<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <C-l> :call VimWinJump('l')<cr>

tmux conf:

is_nvim='tmux list-panes -F "#{l:#{pane_current_command}} #{l:#{pane_id}}" | grep #{pane_id} | grep -iqE "nvim|fzf"'

h_handler='if -F  "#{pane_at_left}" "select-window -t :-" "select-pane -L"'
bind-key -n 'C-h' if-shell "$is_nvim" 'send-keys C-h' "$h_handler"

j_handler='if -F  "#{pane_at_bottom}" "select-window -t :+" "select-pane -D"'
bind-key -n 'C-j' if-shell "$is_nvim" 'send-keys C-j' "$j_handler"

k_handler='if -F  "#{pane_at_top}" "select-window -t :-" "select-pane -U"'
bind-key -n 'C-k' if-shell "$is_nvim" 'send-keys C-k' "$k_handler"

l_handler='if -F  "#{pane_at_right}" "select-window -t :+" "select-pane -R"'
bind-key -n 'C-l' if-shell "$is_nvim" 'send-keys C-l' "$l_handler"


Inspired by https://github.com/christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator

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